[Cz-L] Salo Weis(s)elberg

From: Benjamin Grilj <b.grilj_at_perspectiveast.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 05:12:49 +0100
To: Czernowitz Discussion Group <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: Benjamin Grilj <b.grilj_at_perspectiveast.com>

Dear All,

the department of law at the university of Czernowitz started to honor excellent alumni - like Eugen Ehrlich, Hans Gross and others. At the moment the mayor Dr. Salo Weis(s)elberg is in their focus. During the first Russian occupation of Czernowitz in world war I Weisselberg was one of their hostages and deported to Siberia. He forged his experiences first in public lectures (here you can see an announcement: http://www.bildarchivaustria.at/Preview/14288946.jpg ) and second in a book published in German, Romanian and French.

The department would like to translate this book into Ukrainian. But: nobody knows where it is, and so they asked me for help, but unfortunately I didn’t find it as well (in the libraries in Austria, Germany or at Yad Vashem). Does anyone of you, know where they could find it?

Best, Benjamin
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