he was for me the only illustration of the world of my ancestors , a
world i ignore totally
we shall miss him
patrick teller
Le 04/01/2018 à 11:51, Emil Rennert a écrit :
> Very sad news:
> Aharon Appelfeld, literary giant who gave vivid voice to Holocaust, dies at 85
> https://www.timesofisrael.com/aharon-appelfeld-literary-giant-who-gave-vivid-voice-to-holocaust-dies-at-85/
> Internationally-lauded author Aharon Appelfeld dies
> Appelfeld, a Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Israel in 1946 and
> became a prolific novelist and recipient of national and international
> awards, passes away at 85.
> https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5066321,00.html
> In Hebrew:
> הסופר אהרן אפלפלד הלך לעולמו
> https://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-5066208,00.html
> And here in German:
> Alles, was er verlor. Alles, was er liebte
> https://www.welt.de/kultur/literarischewelt/article172159077/Aharon-Appelfeld-ist-tot-Ein-Nachruf.html
> Trauer um Aharon Appelfeld
> http://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/article/view/id/30517
> „Im Krieg sah ich das Leben in seiner Nacktheit“
> https://www.welt.de/kultur/literarischewelt/article172076293/Eine-Begegnung-mit-dem-Schriftsteller-Aharon-Appelfeld.html
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