Dear Ian,
Bojan is a fully existing and living city. It is called to be one of the richtest communities within western Ukraine, because many of the distributors from Kalinivski live there. But indeed, the synagogue and other buildings were destroyed by Russian troops during WW I:
Google Street View:św.+Jana+Nepomucena/_at_48.2691502,26.1179188,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spXr9EgowdB13QXMEyJ4bYg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47340ae87d8f78fd:0xc1995985c0195906!2sBojany,+Oblast+Tscherniwzi,+Ukraine,+60321!3b1!8m2!3d48.269924!4d26.1261538!3m4!1s0x47340afca985df1d:0x2c724333dff6449c!8m2!3d48.2686245!4d26.1200032
You can as well visit it with Yandex which ordinary has more detailed Street View maps.
Uskie Biskupie also still exists, but is called today Ustya and in former Galicia; it belongs to the region of Ternopil (Tarnopol):,+Ternopil,+Ukraine,+48747/_at_48.6144302,25.8064345,10z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4733e0d62cc04d1d:0x2e96f9a9746183c2!8m2!3d48.6126025!4d26.086946
You can find a lot of fotos at:
Postcard archive of the Austrian National Library:
Picture Database of the Austrian National Library:
Gruss aus Czernowitz:
Enjoy your trip.
Regards, Benjamin
> Am 18.04.2018 um 00:05 schrieb Ian Beitel <>:
>> My wife and I will be visiting Czernowitz in several weeks time and I am searching for photographs from two nearby towns that no longer exist. The first is Boyan (Boian) which was destroyed in 1914 by the Russians. The second is a little farther away, to the north of Czernowitz on the northern shore of the Dniester River was called Uscie Biskupie. My father’s family Sharfstein/Beutel started out in Uscie and moved to Boyan in about 1905 and then relocated to Czernowitz in 1914. Any help with pictures would be greatly appreciated. This will be my third visit to Czernowitz so I can conclude that it is in my blood. As is the wonderful and unique Czernowitz Discussion Group. Many thanks, Ian Beitel.
> =
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