Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz 1920s - 1940s -- Academy of Fine Arts Munich -- student project

From: Peggy Walt <>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 20:09:46 -0300
To: Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf <>
Reply-To: Peggy Walt <>


A question for this group - were Czernowitz residents deported to =
Siberia? I think that may have been the fate of my father-in-law. He =
certainly ended up there. All we know is that he was =E2=80=9Crunning =
away=E2=80=9D from Czernowitz. Trying to figure out how else he ended =
up in Siberia and Khazakstan, etc. =20

Many thanks! Peggy

Peggy Walt, Owner/President
Cultural Affairs Consulting & Promotion
1240 Edward Street Halifax NS B3H 3H4
(902) 422-5403 office (902) 476-1096 cell
ECMA nominee 2018 Manager of the Year

> On Jan 9, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf =
<> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> First of all, I would like to apologize that you had no news of me for =
some time. I want to give you a short update and I will come back to =
everyone with a personal e-mail who was so kind to write me during the =
last weeks and I apologize to everyone who has not gotten any news so =
far. Thank you for all your support. Thanks to all of you my student =
project has made a step further. Unfortunately, my stay in Czernowitz =
was much too short to visit everything I wanted and also to speak to =
everyone which I wanted to meet. This not even one week passed by so =
quickly. Good news: The project is going so well that I will spend all =
2018 with it and traveling back to Czernowitzto develop it further and =
stay a much longer time consecutively. This first visit in autumn was =
just the fundament for everything. I also plan to travel to Israel again =
and continue my research there. Also, to meet some of the members here =
who were so kind to write me.=20
> My script about Selma and her friends grows more and more. What is =
still lacking the most for me at the moment is that I do not know yet =
how I need to imagine myself her friends. How where they like? I am =
talking mainly about Selma=E2=80=99s friends Renee Abramowicz, Else =
Sch=C3=A4chter, Berta Scherzer.=20
> I think while being in Czernowitz, I got a good understanding of =
Selma=E2=80=99s temper and character (as good as it can be if you were =
born in the 1990s and were not with her at the time). But I do not know =
yet what character her friends had - how they were like - what it was =
like to be with them. As I try to develop their characters for my script =
for my studies this is pretty difficult. As well, I was pretty sad to =
see that Leiser=E2=80=99s house in Dr Fechnergasse has vanished. Today =
there is a new house standing there and I could not find anybody in =
Czernowitz so far who possesses old pictures of this street to see how =
it looked like. I rang at the door of the owners of the =E2=80=9Enew=E2=80=
=9C house but they did not make a photograph of the old building in Dr =
Fechnergasse Nr. 14 before they demolished it. If somebody has one by =
accident, please, let me know.=20
> Thank you so much to everyone. Once, the script is done and there is =
something to show (=3D film), you will all be the first to know.=20
> And: If somebody from the list is living, visiting, coming to Munich, =
Stuttgart or surrounding - please, let me know. Would be my pleasure to =
> With the very best wishes from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, =
>> Am 06.10.2017 um 19:21 schrieb Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf =
>> Liebe Czernowitzer,=20
>> Maybe my e-mail is a bit unusual but it would be really a great =
pleasure to receive replies!
>> My name is Sarah Schrimpf and I am a student at the Academy of Fine =
Arts in Munich.=20
>> Since two years, I am doing research for my artistic study project =
about the Bukovina, Czernowitz=20
>> and most particularly about the poet Selma Meerbaum, Leiser Fichman =
and their friends and family.=20
>> So, I am mostly doing research in the time of the 1920s to the 1940s =
and I am depending on eye-witnesses, of course.=20
>> This is why I try to get in touch with all of you via this mailing =
list because now the day has come that I am able to travel to Czernowitz =
in the middle of October (arrival on 17th). Finally!=20
>> I hope that not all of the =E2=80=9ACzernowitzers=E2=80=98 are =
scattered to the four winds and that there are still some living in =
Czernowitz or visiting the city at the same time as me.=20
>> Who is in Czernowitz in October and would like to meet up and share =
his/her memories of the old times of the city with a young student?=20
>> Just having a talk, having a coffee=E2=80=A6 . I would be all happy =
and very thankful.=20
>> Of course, I already went through the czernowitz.ephes archive and it =
was already so helpful to provide me step-by-step with a feeling for the =
city in its old days.=20
>> But this e-mail is also open for those reading it and thinking =E2=80=9A=
Oh, this sounds like a nice project. I could probably help this =
>> Please, feel free to get in touch with me. I am glad about every =
support and help if you are interested to share your memories with me =
via phone, mail, =E2=80=A6
>> I try to get a feeling what living was like in this city before and =
during the war period.=20
>> Unfortunately, I do not speak any other language than English, =
German, French and Polish.=20
>> So, if there is a language that is easier for you to write in - just =
do so, please.=20
>> Thank you very much for replies.=20
>> With best regards,
>> Sarah Schrimpf
>> Academy of Fine Arts Munich
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