Jerome,,,add my uncle Markus Kramer. For details see Edgar's last post! Cornel.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of jerome schatten
Sent: 22 March 2018 16:23
To: Czernowitz Discussion Group
Cc: Jane Reifer
Subject: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Notables
Greetings Czernowitzers…
Jane Reifer has completed the latest update of our ‘Notable Czernowitz Residents’ database. You can view it at: OR > Ehpes Collections > Ehpes Databases > Notable Czernowitzers
If you submitted data, please check and see that there were no errors. If you have additions/corrections, just post them to the list and I will add them to the next incarnation of the sheet.
In looking at the sheet, there are many, many boxes that need some data. The prime example of this is the entry for Shlomo Lerner — all we have is his name. Is this the same man as Salomon Lerner, mentioned in Edgar’s recent ‘Book of the Month’ post? Feldhammer the Actor — does he have a given name? other data? Josef Burg — this is all we know? Applefeld? Auslander? On and on.
So… Lots of work left to do — can you help?
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Received on 2018-03-22 18:46:04