[Cz-L] Translation of Gold's Geschichte

From: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 20:02:40 +0000
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>

Dear Friends,

One of our valued resources has been the two volume work edited by Hugo Gold, "Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina". It was published originally in German, and over the course of a number of years, Jerome Silverbush z”l and others translated most pages into English. You can find this online at JewishGen:

There are relatively few pages remaining to be translated, and you can find those in the index above - the ones without blue hyperlinks. It would be wonderful to complete this project, but we'll need a couple of willing volunteers.

If you are well-versed in both German and English, have some time on your hands, and are willing to help, please let me know. I can send you digital versions of the needed pages (already scanned and provided by Lance Ackerfield of JewishGen) and make sure that we aren't duplicating efforts. Your contribution will be acknowledged on the JewishGen website when your translation is posted. You need only provide a Word document with your English translation.

Prior to beginning any work, you'll be asked to sign an official JewishGen volunteer form, for which you will need to be a member of the JewishGen website (signing up is free).


Thank you!


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