Dear Edgar and all,
Just a final and significant note on Chelm that I forgot to mention,
Israel has immortalized Chelm and its wise men in the modern Hebrew language, by introducing officially the term "Chelma'ut", (Chelma'ism in English) meaning intensive foolishness. It is widely and often used. by commentators or just individuals when criticizing some quite stupid misdeeds or decisions of Governmental, Parliamentary, Municipal, or other Institutional bureaucracies, not excluding private ones or even academic or military ones. Ir is referred both to the group or the individual who has perpetrated this misdeed or decision.You will find it of course in Hebrew or bi-lingual dictionaries
What can I say but Chapeau! to the public as well as to the Va'ad Halashon (The Language Committee) of the Hebrew Language Academy (founded in 1889 on the instigation of Elieser Ben-Yehuda and his colleagues) noth of whom posessed the wisdom to immortalize this gem of Jewish Humorous folklore
Regards to al
----- Original Message ----- From: Edgar Hauster Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 18:28 Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Which is more important, the sun or the moon?... (Chelm, 1675 km) To: "" Cc: "" ----------------------------------------------------------- | > Dear Mordecai, > I'm thrilled and grateful for your enlightening comments, especially that one at my posting on Chelm > > which took us straight back to Czernowitz and to the Schiller Park. Thank you so much, it's highly appreciated. > Edgar Hauster Am 11.08.2018 um 22:48 schrieb ">" : > P.S. > Re the famous cartoon that Edgar brought with regard to the pun about the importance of the moon = it actually illustrates another pun: > Two wise men of Chelm observed that there are moonlit nights in Chelm, that lacked streetlights at that time, as well as moonless nights. They thought a lot and discovered the reflection of the moon in a water filled barrel, The Eureka thought struck both at the same time, and they speedily put the lid on the barrel to trap the moon for the moonless nights. > Shavu'a Tov and Khodesh Tov > Mordecai > --- Original Message ----- From: Edgar Hauster Date: Friday, August 10, 2018 14:06 Subject: [Cz-L] Which is more important, the sun or the moon?... (Chelm, 1675 km) To: "" Cc: Martina Hauster , "" , "" > ... a citizen of Chelm asked the rabbi. “What a silly question!” > snapped the cleric. “The moon, of course! It shines at night > when we really need it. But who needs the sun shine when it is > already broad daylight?” > > In Eastern European Jewish folklore, the city of Chelm, third > stage of my motorcycle ride to Bukovina and far, far beyond, > > > or-moon.html > > functions as an imaginary city of fools, similar to that of the > Greek Abdera, the English Gotham, and the German Schilda, among > numerous others. > > Was that the reason why on my ride from Lublin and Chelm a ghost > driver drove in my lane in the wrong direction while I was > overtaking a truck on the freeway? After many hundreds of > thousands of miles by car or motorcycle all over the world I > made this unique near-death experience for the very first - but > hopefully last - time in my life. Time to go to the Chelm Jewish > Cemetery, fortunately just as visitor and photographer...! > > Edgar Hauster > --=
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