Re: [Cz-L] No father listed on birth records

From: Benjamin Grilj <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 08:21:59 +0100
To: eshet yosef <>
Reply-To: Benjamin Grilj <>

Dear all,

until Hitler a civilly marriage was in Austria the exception! The registration was mainly the duty of the accepted religious communities.

But not all jewish communities were members of the Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde (a not really translateable name- ordinary translated as jewish community but in this case inappropriate to make a distinction) under direction of the Kultusamt and so nonaccepted. Therefore you can find couples who were registered as unmarried, eventhough they were. And if they were nevertheless listed under the fathers surname he had to declare under oath his paternity.

But - as always - no rule without exception and it always depended on the writer and of course the salary for him ;)

Best, Benjamin

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> Am 21.11.2018 um 16:56 schrieb eshet yosef <>:
> Hi
> My paternal GGF Hersh Meier Wolf from Czernowitz married Zlate Perlstein (Bernstein) from Washkautz in a traditional Jewish Ceremony. When their children were born (among them my GF Yudl Leib -Leon) they were registered by the Austrian authorities as follows: my GF - Leon Perlstein "unehlich" Wolf - which enabled him (and his descendants) to wear the family name Wolf. On the other hand my maternal GGF - Jacob Nukhemovski (borm in Byalistok, Russia at that time) who escaped to Horodenka Galitzia (part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at that time) and married Beile Ruhm - registered their 5 sons (among them my GF Isidor-Israel) under the family name - Ruhm, as they too were married according to the traditional Jewish ceremony (the Ruhms are "Cohanim") .
> Yosef ( Jerry) Eshet
> -----הודעה מקורית-----
> מאת: <> בשם Mark Wiznitzer
> נשלח: יום א 18 נובמבר 2018 20:01
> אל:
> עותק: CZERNOWITZ-L‏ <>
> נושא: Re: [Cz-L] No father listed on birth records
> Early in the 20th century some couples still were not married civilly, only religiously.
> Apparently, if the father was not registered as the husband, the child was registered with the mother's maiden name. There is at least one instance of this happening with the six first cousins of my father who like him were born in Vashkovitz (Vashkivtsi), but had their mother Malkah's maiden name Lifshitz, though the father was Shalom Wiznitzer.

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