Dear List Members,
One of us (Edgar) has been working quietly behind the scenes to bring forth a brand new resource for historical and genealogical research. As you already know, the Austrian National Library <> has an outstanding collection of pre WW I newspapers from Bukovina. However, it is lacking information for the period between the end of WW I and the end of WW II. This will soon be resolved!
DiFMOE, the Digital Forum for Central and Eastern Europe, has been digitizing historical German language materials for more than 10 years, with financing from the German (Federal) and Bavarian (Regional) governments. Jan Schrastetter, Board Member for DIFMOE Munich, plans to digitize Bukovina materials from the interwar period and even beyond, a time when many of our ancestors were still in Bukovina. Some of the material already online due to DiFMOE < > is relevant to our interests even now.
Ostjüdische Zeitung Czernowitz 1919-1937
Neue Jüdische Rundschau Czernowitz 1926-1930
With funding approval still pending for this project, Mr. Schrastetter plans to digitize and present searchable online issues of these works and more:
Die Stimme (for periods no longer subject to copyright protection)
Czernowitzer Morgenblatt
Czernowitzer Tagblatt
Der Tag
Das freie Wort
Das Neue Jüdische Palästina
We stand to benefit a great deal from the free availability of these works, planned for the end of 2019, but they do have one small request from our group. They would like to enhance their website with pre-War and War time testimonials published (in the public domain) on our ehpes website < >.
if we do not hear to the contrary, we will assume you are ok with allowing the project to use your story or materials on the above site. We also see your feedback on the scope of this project, and if you still have family stories and testimonies of wartime and pre-WW II events and memoirs that you would like to share with Ehpes as well as DiFMOE, please do let us know!
Both our Czernowitz-L Discussion Group as well as the World Organization of Bukovinian Jews as the publisher of "Die Stimme", will be listed as official partners of DiFMOE for this project.
Wishing you the very best,
Edgar Hauster
Jerome Schatten
Bruce Reisch
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Received on 2018-11-12 02:16:59