Re: [Cz-L] Kislinger - Kaindl - Winkler genealogy in Czernowitz

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 08:19:02 +0000
To: Gabriel Winkler <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Gabriel,

Let me please indicate to you - and others - an approach to ANNO, the Austrian Online Newspapers Archvies, even though you are challenged by the German language and/or the old German lettering. I'll illustrate this by the obituary of "your" Ernestine Kaindl, née von Winkler:

1. By using the ANNO distance search [] and introducing "kaindl winkler"~10 into the search engine, you got 22 matches. We now look closer to Czernowitzer Tagblatt, 15-Apr-1914 edition, page 4.

2. Open the image [] and check the result. Click at the upper right corner of the website on the "TEXT" button and you'll get the German transcription of the image. Although not perfect, it reads as follows:

"Am 10. d. ist hier Frau Ernestine Kaindl geb. v. Winkler, eine durch tzdle HerzenAeigenschaften ausgezeichnete Frau, nach langem Krankenlager im hohen Alter von 84 Fahren sanft entschlafen. Die Verblichene hinterläßt vier Söhne, und zwar den Magistratsbeamten Josef Kaindl, Direktor Maximilian Kaindl, Professor Rafael Kaindl und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Raimund Friedrich Kaindl. Das Leichenbegängnis fand am 12. d. unter überaus zahlreicher Beteiligung vom Trauerhause Russischegasse 66a, aus patt."

or, by copy and paste and then translated by GoogleTranslate:

"On the 10th of December, Ernestine Kaindl, nee von Winkler, a woman distinguished by her tender heart characteristics, gently asleep after a long sickbed at the age of 84. The deceased left behind four sons, the magistrate Josef Kaindl, director Maximilian Kaindl, Professor Rafael Kaindl, and Professor Dr. Raimund Friedrich Kaindl The funeral procession took place on the 12th of December under the overwhelming participation of the mourning-house "Russischer Gasse 66a, patt."

I have to admit, it's a bit long-winded, nevertheless it's an excellent tool to make the best of ANNO for those who don't read German. As for your question on nobilty, since titles of nobilty mostly were affiliated to officer's ranks, I'm encouraging you to refer to the Austrian State Archives / Austrian War Archives:

They have both incredible funds and research expertise and above all, the staff there is extremely helpful to researchers. Check it out!

Va urez succes si va salut cu multa stima! Warmest wishes and success!

Edgar Hauster

From: Gabriel Winkler <>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 17:50
To: Edgar Hauster
Cc:; jerome schatten
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Kislinger - Kaindl - Winkler genealogy in Czernowitz

Dear Edgar,

Thank you so much for the link, and sorry for the delay I am answering with. I was just lost in the information I found there, while we do not speak/read German for some generations already. Despite this fact, I could find very interesting things there.

For example I found the father of Ernestine Johanna Winkler, named Jakob Winkler, who seems to had been killed by the peasants in 1862 while he was a businessman. The thing is that before this discovery, I had already found the death certificate of Jakob Winkler from February 1864 and a letter from his son (Emmerich Emanoil Winkler) to the Romanian primeminister Kogalniceanu in which he said that his father (Jakob) was beaten to death by the peasants and they also suffered a fire destruction in that year of 1864. The years do not match however. I do not know what to believe to be the truth. Maybe he was beaten "to death" in 1862, and really to death, again in 1864.

Another interesting thing that I could confirm is that Ernestine was born "von" Winkler. Also her brother Emmerich Emanuel Winkler (on my line) is registered in his second marriage certificate from 1860, Vaslui, Moldavia, as having the profession "noble".

What I only know is that Emmerich Emanuel Winkler graduated the k.k.<> Polytechnische Institut in Wien<> around 1848, then he went to a war (which war is not known to me - as an Austrian officer). His father, Jakob Winkler married Anna de Baczko, and was the son of Joanne(i)s Winkler and Magdalena Matuszewska, as per his marriage certificate from 1830, Czernowitz. Because his father was dead and they were not yet at the age of majority, Jakob and Magdalena needed and got the permission to marry from the "Forum Nobili" from the city of Stanislawow, Galizien (now Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine). On another branch of my family there is Dr. Jur. Anton von Winkler who came in Jassy, Moldavia around 1828, it seems from Czernowitz, as an Austrian KK diplomat. Again, I could no trace his past, but only the name of his parents from his death certificate - (another) Jakob and Clara.

Now I wonder where can I find the roots of my Winkler family. Maybe there is a place to look for noble families of the Habsburg Empire who went to Galizien or Bukowina. If anyone can help, I would very much appreciate it.

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Winkler

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2019 7:30 PM
To: Gabriel Winkler
Cc:; jerome schatten
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Kislinger - Kaindl - Winkler genealogy in Czernowitz

Dear Gabriel,

In addition to Jerome's message, please let me draw your attention to ANNO, the Austrian Online Newspaper Archives. Using the ANNO advance search engine

by performing a so called distance search: "kaindl winkler"~10

you'll get 22 matches out of which Czernowitzer Tagblatt, 15-Apr-1915 edition will be of special interest to you:

>From the obituary for Ernstine Kaindl née v. Winkler you'll learn i. a. that Ernestine had four sons:

• Municipal Officer Josef Kaindl
• Director Maximilian Kaindl
• Professor Rafael Kaindl
• University Professor Dr. Raimund Friedrich Kaindl

There are many many more discoveries to be made by you by checking thoroughly ANNO. Enjoy!

Edgar Hauster

From: <> on behalf of jerome schatten <>
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2019 04:01
To: Gabriel Winkler
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Kislinger - Kaindl - Winkler genealogy in Czernowitz

Gabriel… just reading your post — do you think that given that spelling was not a highly defined art in the 1700’s 1800’s and the transliterations from Hebrew to Yiddish to Roman characters was even less well defined, that KAINDL could also be KANDEL? The dropping of vowels and the addition of others seems quite common, to wit: YOSEL to YOSL and so on… If so, I have KANDEL's on my tree in the time frame you are looking at.

Have you any KAINDL’s in the Czernowitz cemetery? If so, can you comment on the spelling in whether it was in Hebrew, Yiddish, or Roman characters (i.e. German)? Or possibly other documents where the KAINDL surname is presented? On my father’s side, my GGrandfather Seinvell Schatten married Jutte (Ette) KANDLE probably around 1875. He is buried in the Cz cemetery and I presume his wife (nee KANDLE) is too.

Jerome Schatten
Vancouver, Canada

> On Jun 8, 2019, at 11:22, Gabriel Winkler <> wrote:
> --_000_VI1PR0302MB2623BC31D4F78A48318E2D3FCA110VI1PR0302MB2623_
> Hello dear friends, and especially Mr. Kislinger and Wiinkler,
> My name is Gabriel Winkler and I am writing you from Romania. I am descenda=
> nt of the Winkler family from Czernowitz of the end of the 1700s and the be=
> gining of the 1800s. My great-great-grandfather Emmerich (Emerih) Emanuel (=
> Emanoil) Winkler, had a sister born in 1831, Johanna Ernestina Kaindl (born=
> Winkler), who had a son, Raimund Friedrich Kaindl:
> He married Ludmilla Kisslinger in Czernowitz, as per the data I could find =
> on Internet.
> I want to kindly ask you if you know more about these families.
> Thank you in advance for your answer.
> Kind Regards,
> Gabriel Winkler

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