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<STRONG><FONT face="Arial Narrow" size=5>
<U>Jewish Genealogical Society of
<STRONG><FONT face="Arial Narrow"
<U><FONT size=4>presents next in our lecture series -
<STRONG><FONT face="Arial Narrow"
June 16th, at 7:30
</FONT></STRONG> Our monthly
lecture meeting is open to members and guests and
features<FONT size=5><STRONG>Alti Rodal, of Ottawa,
</STRONG><FONT size=3>whose presentation</FONT></FONT>
<FONT size=5><FONT size=3> is
<STRONG><FONT face=Tahoma size=4> "Jewish Genealogical
Research in Bukovina:
Cemeteries, Archives and Oral
<STRONG><FONT face=Tahoma>
T</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT face=Tahoma><U>ime: 7:30 pm sharp, Monday,
Center, 5151 Cote St. Catherine Rd.</U></FONT></STRONG><EM>Professor
Rodal describes her lecture as follows:</EM>My presentation will be
based on two aspects of my experience in thesummer of 2001 in the Chernivtsi
region of Ukraine. Firstly, as part of a small team, sponsored by the Ottawa
Jewish Genealogical Society, whose mission was to digitally photograph the
monuments of the Jewish cemetery of Chernivtsi (Czernowitz). I will
report on the type of genealogical information that can be gleaned from
Jewish cemeteries in Eastern Europe, the experience of photographing
monuments, and of accessing relevant archival records, in particular burial
registries, death certificates and community records. I will also
report on my personal pilgrimage to two small villages in the Chernivtsi
area, Kisilev and Borivtsi, where my parents were born and where I found the
mass grave where lie three of mygrandparents and many other members of my
family. Related to the personal story, but of broader genealogical
interest, are the archivalrecords of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission on
War Crimes (including lists of people massacred and witness testimonies) and
the experience of interviewing elderly villagers about wartime and
pre-war memories of Jewish inhabitants. Also of interest are
archival records held at the Chernivtsi Regional Archives for the
surrounding area, including naturalization records from the Rumanian period,
electoral lists and census records fromthe 1920s and 1930s, and official
records of fines, court cases andinteractions with the
bureaucracy.Biographical Sketch:Alti Rodal is a historian,
former university professor, author, and apolicy and management advisor and
consultant to government. She was bornin Czernowitz, Roumania,
received her early education in Israel, and, after1954, in Montreal.
She holds degrees in French literature and modernhistory from McGill and
Oxford universities. Her professional experienceincludes eight years of
full-time university teaching at ConcordiaUniversity in Montreal, part-time
teaching at the University of Ottawa andCarleton University, research,
writing, and varied work for the federalgovernment, including several
commissions of inquiry. Ms. Rodal was director of historical
research for the Royal Commissionof Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada (the
Deschenes Commission), andauthored the report "Nazi War Criminals in Canada:
The Historical andPolicy Setting from the 1940s to the Present". She
chaired the ArchivesCommittee of the Canadian Jewish Congress, and acts as a
resource for theOttawa Jewish Archives. She has a personal interest in
Received on 2003-06-06 08:14:09
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