Attached files

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 08:32:39 -0400

<x-flowed>Dear Friends:

I would like to remind everyone of one of our list rules - please do
not distribute documents or images by attaching them to emails sent
to the list.

1. Some members are on slow modem connections.
2. Viruses are an obvious concern.

Remember that your message goes out to over 110 list subscribers. If
you have something to share, please contact Jerome Schatten
<> to arrange to put it on the group's web site,
<>. The veteran computer whiz Jerome
will check it for viruses and make it available to download via our
growing web site.

I'll be away 26 June to 5 July, and 12 to 19 July. Carl Ulrich
(co-list owner) will be watching over the list while I'm away.

Best to everyone,

Received on 2003-06-23 08:54:06

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