Greetings again Czernowitzers!
I wish to call your attention to eleven extraordinary photographs
taken by one Eduard Kassner in 2003 in Czernowitz. The resolution
is most excellent even when reduced for the web. Perhaps the most
interesting is the clock tower of the 'Rezidentzia', where a
close look will show a ring of mogandavids around the dome. An
even closer look will show pigeons sitting among the mogandavids.
My informant remembered these mogandavids from when he was a boy
in Czernowitz and induced the photographer, a friend of his to
take the picture.
The eleven pictures, now on our website, are at: In about a week's
time I will be moving them into the general photos section of the
The original high resolution images (ranging from 500Kb to 1.5Mb)
are on Eduard's website:
Received on 2003-09-14 09:39:18
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