<x-flowed>Ruth Enis of Haifa, Israel, visited Bukovina and Mogilev,
(Transnistria) Ukraine this past summer. Several weeks ago, she sent
me a CD-ROM full of pictures taken during her visit. Most of the
pictures were of cemeteries but some also show the small synagogue
still active in Czernowitz. Ruth just gave me permission to send
these photos to anyone with an interest. So, below you will find a
list of the of the photos with names that appear on the tombstones.
If you are interested in any of these images, I'll be glad to forward
them to you.
I've been encouraging Ruth to write a "trip report" to post on the web.
Best always,
Czernowitz - synagogue and cemetery overview pictures.
Mogilev: - cemetery where many Bukovina holocaust victims are buried
Lotti Spitzer
Gisa Veiner
Rosa Preminger
Ella Laufer
Ida Jurgrau
Wolf Katz
Michael Rennert
Max Faust
ing. Peritz Reisch
Strojinetz Cemetery:
Blime Rollinger
Aron Kirmejer
Berisch Gelber
Monument "here are buried 250 Jews, from Strojinetz, killed by the
Nazis, June 1941"
Radauti Cemetery:
Rosa Jurgrau
Jakob Jurgrau
Eliezer Litman Jurgrau
Berl Brucker (I have photos of this stone from my 1998 trip)
Maier Menczer
Shimon Ben Zvi Halbrecht
Leib Lecker and Dr. Shaie Lecker, who died in Mogilev
Joachim Scharf (1883-1960) and Pinkas Rath (1857-1941) and Sara Rath
Dora Freier
Jakob Zeiger
Rosa Jurgrau
Yad Zicharon, in memory of the Jews of Radauti who perished during
the Holocaust
Received on 2003-12-09 00:05:21
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