Re: it happened Hannukah

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 17:52:55 -0000
To: <>, "Czernowitz list" <>

<x-charset windows-1255>Lucca,

You seem to have been correct in describing Friedmann's as a landmark in the

I mentioned your story to my mother Erica. She reminisced about how in her
childhood she would sit in the open at Friedmann's during the summer, and
eat wild strawberries and sour cream...

And my aunt Franzi (who had married young and gone to live in Poland) said:
"Friedmann's! My father always used to eat there when my mother was
visiting me in Warsaw."


----- Original Message -----
From: Lucca Ginsburg
To: czernowitz czernowitz
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 1:42 PM
Subject: it happened Hannukah

On the second day of Hannukah in 1959 my father saw an elderly man sitting
alone on a bench in front of the Haifa Municipality.
He looked familiar, so my father approached and after a better look at him,
he asked:
-"Aren't you Mr. Meshulam Friedmann of the Friedmann Vegetarian Restaurant
in tbe Russischen Gasse in Czernowitz?
-"Yes, I am!" said the man.
-"So why are you sitting here outside in the cold?"

Mr. Friedmann told my father that he lived with his son and daughter-in-law
who had a small boy in a very small apartment. It often got very crowded.
Truth was that his daughter-in-law was not delighted about his constant
presence, and there were often arguments between the couple. Mr. Friedmann
told my father that he tries his best to be out of the house as much as

Do you remember the Friedmann Restaurant? Do you remember the vegetable
soups, the pirogen, the Totsch, the luscious cakes? This restaurant was a
landmark in all of the Bucovina.

Anyway, my father invited Mr. Friedmann to come along to our house for
lunch, which he did. In the course of further talk, Mr. F. said he would
like some other living quarters, and it so happened that a single man rented
out a room of his flat in our house.
Mr. Friedmann moved in the same day.

He became a member of our family. We celebrated all holidays together, and
I...have a recipe book of some very luscious cakes which were offered at the
Friedmann restaurant. Of course he himself never worked in the kitchen, but
he still remembered how certain cakes were made. I also have many photos of
him, he was such a pleasant looking man.
In fact he had one son, Salo Friedmann living in New York, married to a
cousin of my mother's, and he had another son living with his wife in
Sometimes...own children are not the answer. He adopted our family, or
rather we adopted him until the day he got very ill and passed away.

I wish you all a Very Happy and Carefree Hannukah!
Received on 2003-12-21 21:54:25

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