In the 1920s my LEHR family lived in Neuzuczka, which my cousin, Klara Lehr
Kreisler (1922-2003), described as a very small town near Chernowitz. I used
the JewishGen ShtetlFinder to search for towns beginning with N within 20
miles of Chernowitz. Only one of the resulting place names resembles
Neuzuczka: Neyzuchka (native spelling), which shares Sadgora's coordinates.
_Where Once We Walked_ also indicates that Neyzuchka and Sadgora are one and
the same. However, Klara was certain that that "her" Neuzuczka was not
According to Bruce Reisch...
<<... Neuzuzcka is known now as something [like] Novo Zugchka, and it's
either a village or area near Sadagora.... It's... mentioned as one of the
16 districts that were part of the Sadagora Jewish Community
Gemeindschaft/Council. Vital records were recorded in Sadagora, and burials
were probably there as well.... Rohozna was in the same category of places.
It seems to just be a small rural district, more diffuse than even a
Can anyone shed any light?
Renee Stern Steinig
Dix Hills (Long Island), New York, USA
Received on 2005-05-12 12:17:13
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