I'm Peggy Mendelow and I am delighted to find this group!
I am looking for any info on my maternal grandparents, SIGMUND (1875-1924)
SCHMETTERLING (1878-1961), both supposedly born born in Czernowitz, both
emigrating to New York in
1900. I don't have a shtetl, school, synagogue or other information for him.
His parents were LOUIS SCHMETTERLING and CHAVE MALAMUD (Poland), and her
father was BARUCH BERGER ("Austria").
Sigmund did belong to Czernowitzer Bukovina Lodge #70 IOBA (long closed
down) in NYC
I've been researching for a couple of years and have been through most of
the available resources online and off, including Jewish-Gen ROM Sig, Ellis
Island databases, Ancestry.com, Stephen Morse's sites, many NYC agencies,
Any thoughts or ideas are most appreciated.
Received on 2005-05-16 11:37:15
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