Nina, that is a fascinating website and one of the most detailed and
informative pieces on Czernowitz that I've seen. Thank you so much for
sharing it.
There are two pieces available on the internet that are quite different
from one another, but both are very worthwhile reading. One is a
translation of a chapter called "On the History of the Jews in Czernowitz"
from Volume II: Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina. It was written by
Prof. Dr. Herman Sternberg, Tel Aviv (sic), edited by Dr. Hugo Gold, and
translated by Jerome Silverbush. It is quite lengthy, but fills in some of
the details of "The Golden Age" nicely. It is to be found on the site.
The other, a favorite of mine, is called "Before Memories Fade". It is the
memoirs of Pearl Fichman, and is very personal and poignant, detailing the
daily life in Czernowitz of her family and neighboring Jewish
Czernowitzers, from her birth year of 1920 through the war years, until she
managed to leave for America, I think in 1945. You will find her piece on
Google, by posting the title and her name. There are several ways to access
it, including through and through Jewishgen/shtetl/Sadagura if
I remember correctly -- so perhaps you've already found it.
Jessie Attiyeh, San Diego, California
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