----- Original Message -----
From: "cornel" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
To: <NKern_at_jbs1.com>; <lamarche_at_tele2.fr>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz] recipe for tocz
>i feel sorry that bruce did not find good food. the restaurant at the
>cherem. hotel where we stayed was very tasty, i was told the bukowina is
>better and the cafe/restaurant in the herrengasse, just around the corner
>from the jewish centre(called shoshana or something similar) is excellent
>and by western standards,cheap+++. we also quite deliberately tried various
>local eating places and found that most,including some real
>hole-in-the-wall sort of places,were good. and everywhere food was fresh
>and well cooked.., the sort of grub that in the west we label organic and
>pay silly prices for....we also drank some local water,but very
>little....their beer ain,t bad!! cornel
Received on 2005-06-14 09:42:00
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