[Cz-L] What a Nightmare! Fwd: [Cz-L]

From: MARC M COHEN <marc-cohen25_at_sbcglobal.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:40:02 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu, bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu

Czernowitz Reunion - suggested itinerary
X-edited-by: bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:40:00 EDT
Reply-To: marc-cohen25_at_sbcglobal.net
Sender: owner-CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.2.09.cu.03/021023/11:56 -- ListProc(tm) by CREN

Ten days of pointless wandering in cramped tour buses
before we even arrive in Czernowitz? The point of
this trip was . . . ? Also, the dates offer no
concession to those of us with children in school.

Forget it. I see now that we will be much better off
arranging our own family visit to Bukovina, Romania,
and Moldova without so much extra (literal and
figurative) baggage.

Bon Voyage,

Marc Cohen
Palo Alto, California

> Suggested Tour
> Group to meet in Sofia
> Day 1 8 May 06 Arrive in Sofia Over night
> Day 2 9 May 06 Tour of Sofia Over night
> Day 3 10 May 06 Plovdiv over night
> Day 4 11 May 06 Tour and overnight in Veliko Tarnova
> over night
> Day 5 12 May 06 Veliko Tarnovo / Craiova over night
> Day 6 13 May 06 Craiova / Bucharest over night
> It will be possible to pick up the tour in
> Bucharest.
> Day 7 14 May 06 Bucharest over night
> Day 8 15 May 06 Sinaia ñ Brasov over night
> Day 9 16 May 06 Cluj Napoca over night
> Day 10 17 May 06 Cluj Napoca ñ Yas over night
> Day 11 18 May 06 Yas ñ Sucevita - Suceava ñ
> Czernowitz
> Check in to the Hotel
> Czernowitz reunion

Marc M. Cohen, Arch.D, Architect
Palo Alto, CA 94306
FAX-TEL 650 852-0657
Received on 2005-08-17 08:13:30

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