[Cz-L] Czernowitz Reunion

From: Simon Kreindler <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 08:41:03 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca

Hello everyone:

As I look back on the correspondence regarding the Reunion, I get the
impression that the Reunion some of us originally envisioned (with or
without add-ons to Vienna or Israel) was grafted (by Luba) on to another
tour she was already planning - "The World Organization of
Czernowitz-Bukovina and surrounding districts together with The World
Federation of Jewish Fighters, Partisans and Camp Inmates Israel" to
mark the 65th Commemoration of the Deportation of the Jewish People from
Czernowitz, Bukovina and the surrounding districts to the concentration
camps in Transnistria-Mogilov Podolsky and other camps" (sic).

A mouthful!

While I accept that Luba's itinerary appeals to some of us, I do not
feel it is what many list members were originally talking about or what
I was hoping for. I am primarily interested in seeing Czernowitz and the
nearby shtetl my father came from and at the same time meeting other
members of the group and learning more about them and their families'
connection to this unique city.

While I hate to see the group fractured by disagreement, it seems
unrealistic to expect that one itinerary can satisfy everyones needs.
Perhaps we have to accept that more than one itinerary is necessary.

Best regards,

Received on 2005-08-18 08:07:17

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