On 8/22/05 8:32 AM, "Joe Poras" <joe_at_poras.com> wrote:
>> Joe Poras wrote:
>> Dear list members,
>> From the discussions of the last few weeks, I take it that the
>> following itinerary is
>> taking place: We would be making tentative reservations for four people.
>> Linda and Joseph Poras
>> Framingham, MA
>> USA
>> Researching: PORAS
Dear Czernowitz-L members.
Joe combined my suggestions with those of Luba German, therefore I would
like to clarify some things. At this time and till the 27th of August,
I (Mimi, Miriam Taylor) would like all those interested in a Czernowitz
reunion to answer the questionnaire I sent out about two weeks ago.
By the 29th or 30th of August I will sum up all the answers I received and
E-mail them to the whole group. We will then know when and for how long
most people would like the reunion to take place. We will have a list of
those people who are interested in group travel and group hotel
arrangements. And we will have some suggestions for the program of the
reunion in Czernowitz itself as well as group travel to places in the
vicinity of Czernowitz, both in the Ukraine and in Romania.
These suggestions and any others which group members may have, should then
be considered by all of us, after which we will decide on a program which is
acceptable to the majority.
Group travel arrangements to Czernowitz, group hotel arrangements and group
trips to places in the vicinity of Czernowitz, can then be arranged by those
who desire them with or without any travel agent as they choose.
The program suggested by Luba is a totally different matter and has nothing
to do with me. Actually, were it to take place the way she suggests, I would
not participate in most of it. In my opinion this is not the forum for
testimonies of Holocaust survivors, are we to be on public display? I will
not set foot in the synagogue as long as Rabbi Kofmanski officiates and
women have to sit outside the room in which the service is held. Dinner with
the major and dignitaries? empty boring gestures Communist style? Insincere
speeches and shall we also all yell "Hurrah, Hurrah"? Too reminiscent of the
picture of Stalin, 10 meters high which hung in the Ringplatz in 1945.
When I was 7 or 8 years old I wanted to be in the young pioneers and let
others make decisions for me, not now, thank you.
Best regards, Mimi
Received on 2005-08-22 14:53:36
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