>I am Jessica Falikman Attiyeh, from La Jolla, California, originally from
>New York City. My father, Misha Falikman(n) was born in 1893 in Czernowitz
>and raised there, as was all his family of origin. His birth-registration
>name was Adolph Falikman(n). My paternal gfather was Josef, or Yosel, and
>my paternal gmother was Henia Gross. The List's Jerome Schatten is my
>cousin -- Yosel's g'son by his first wife Berta. Through Jewish-gen
>research, I have located only a handful of living Falikman families from
>Czernowitz: Yakov's now in Tel Aviv, and the descendants of David, now in
>the mid-west of the US and in Israel. Originating nearby to Czernowitz, in
>Lyubar and Khiznikki, Ukraine, another branch of Falikmans have just a few
>survivors -- Maria and her parents, of Moscow, and Lyusya and her family,
>of Lviv and Berlin, have been wonderful resources. But there may be other
>Falikman-related survivors "out there", or other List-subscribers may know
>something about the Czernowitz Falikmans from the "old days". I am hoping
>to learn more through the List! And a Gross connection would be new for
>me, and wonderful. Thank you.
>'Til later,
Received on 2005-01-21 17:33:33
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