I received a message from Bruce commenting on the the running of the CD on a
Yes, the CD ran on my Mac. Those big image files
>>still took a few seconds to display. If you have much less than an
>>800 mhz G4 processor and are low on RAM, things might run very
>>slowly. But I still think the CD is of great value and with a
>>little planning about how to use the index, should be navigable by
This made me think that I should have tested the loading time for the maps
across a variety of Windows machines. This I have just done. The website
works nicely across all machines -- Pentium 1's through Pentium 4's.
The maps however, take forever on a P1 class machine (circa 1996) p-100,
p-120, p-150. Takes from half a minute to a few minutes (depending on how
much memory) and then the machine was cranky when I moved the mouse to look
at different parts of the map ( it needs to redraw the screen for each move,
and there isn't enough horse power to do it efficiently).
I didn't have any P2 (circa 1997/98) class machines left around so I
couldn't test any. My feeling is that it probably would work on the maps but
would be slow.
It worked just dandy on a P3, p-450 (circa 1999) machine and it worked fine
of course on a P4 class desktop machine and my laptop (an early P4).
If none of this makes sense to you, think about it this way: If your
machine is six years old or less, the maps should work fine. If it's older
than that, the maps could be anywhere from a bit slow to useless depending
on what's inside your machine.
I'm sorry I didn't make all this clear in the first place. So, if you've
received a CD and it doesn't work out for you, just use it for a martini
coaster and don't bother sending any money.
Received on 2005-01-30 10:44:43
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