"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."(William Arthur Ward)
Mimi Taylor wrote:
>Dear Czernowitz-L members.
>The program suggested by Luba is a totally different matter and has nothing
>to do with me. Actually, were it to take place the way she suggests, I would
>not participate in most of it. In my opinion this is not the forum for
>testimonies of Holocaust survivors, are we to be on public display? I will
>not set foot in the synagogue as long as Rabbi Kofmanski officiates and
>women have to sit outside the room in which the service is held. Dinner with
>the major and dignitaries? empty boring gestures Communist style? Insincere
>speeches and shall we also all yell "Hurrah, Hurrah"? Too reminiscent of the
>picture of Stalin, 10 meters high which hung in the Ringplatz in 1945.
>When I was 7 or 8 years old I wanted to be in the young pioneers and let
>others make decisions for me, not now, thank you.
>Best regards, Mimi
Dear Mimi,
As soon as I received the e-mail I wanted to respond, but could not due to
the fact that I could not stop laughing at your straight forward," call them
as you see them", " don't hold back anything " attitude. Well done!!! Well
First of all, why should anybody in the governing body benefit from the
efforts of people, whose only wishes are to clean up a place of their
relatives' last stop? The place and the visit are to be conducted in dignity
and not with anyone (who never cared, Communists at heart) people present.
When I will go I would want kindred spirits, people who have the moral right
to be alongside with me, and not onlookers.
Today I happened to meet a lady who came to Winnipeg a year ago from
Chernovtsi and her opinion about the Rabbi is very much on the negative
side. However, if he is the only one officiating, then....!!!???
Thirdly, I agree with you in regards to decision making- I made it into
Komsomol (big deal) and had enough of their way is the only way.
I like the way you think.
Marianna Kiva
{Moderator's note: I have edited this post to delete most of the two
previous posts that were quoted. Only the paragraph written by Mimi
Taylor to which Marianna is responding remains. By editing these
posts and reducing quoted material, I am trying to make it easier for
those who receive group emails in the form of a daily digest of
messages. Large blocks of quotes from previous messages make it more
difficult to find the new information in each post. Marianna - I
hope I haven't changed the context of your message at all. Bruce}
Received on 2005-08-23 07:23:44
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