Reunion / Mimi's Questionnaire
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 00:28:45 EDT
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Dear David, Mimi, and all,
Wouldn't that be a "tuppence-worth?" In any case, I
agree with David Glynn.
Seriously though -- although it is now clear that this
trip will not work out for my family or me, one of the
things that struck me as off-base was the title. Not
because it is not worthy of honor and commemoration,
but to me because it is too narrow for two main
1. Most of my family had the good fortune to leave
Europe from about 1888 to 1921, with a few stragglers
leaving Vienna in the '30s. These are the people who
I knew as my grandparents, great aunts and uncles. It
is their past who I would be researching and trying to
2. Among my unfortunate relatives who stayed too late
in Europe, some were sent by the Russians to Siberia
and did not return, one was shot on the street in
Czernowitz in December 1941 and another was shot in
Storozynetz on the first day the Nazis arrived and
massacred 250 Jews. Insofar as I know, only three
members of my family went to Transnistria, and two of
them survived. If the reunion is meant to be a
"commemoration," why would it not commemorate all
these others too? The title of the 65th Anniversary
of the Deportation is much to limited. Why not just
call it a commemoration of the Shoah so you can
include everyone who suffered or perished?
Thanks for listening, and I'll take my answer off the
--- David Glynn
<> wrote:
> Dear All.
> * I would like to see Sadagora. Hopefully we can
> thoroughly explore the
> remains of the synagogue and the rabbinical court -
> not
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Marc M. Cohen, Arch.D, Architect
Palo Alto, CA 94306
FAX-TEL 650 852-0657
Received on 2005-08-27 21:48:26
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