[Cz-L] The Trip's title

From: Michael Roll <mroll_at_tpg.com.au>
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 08:13:05 -0400 (EDT)
To: 'Czernowitz List' <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: mroll_at_tpg.com.au

Why oh why does the Cz trip have to have a title? I feel, we each, have our
own reason(s) to (Re)visit Cz. After 63 years since escaping, mine is simply
to revisit the street, maybe the house, into which I was born and other
addresses; the memorial to the 400 men shot by the Nazis; maybe see if my
dad's name is there as I don't know where he's buried; at least I could say
Kaddish there and have a "Closure" on that mystery; the old synagogue and
one or two surrounding shtettles. Further: 1). Is there a DEFINTE, FINAL,
DATE of arrival in Cz? 2). Who books us into the CHEREMOSH Hotel, or do we
have to do it individually, and how do we identify ourselves as members of
The Group? 3). When, how much deposit to pay and in which currency? 4). What
is the snail-mail or e-mail address of said hotel? Those, I feel, are
TACHLES ("Purposeful", "Decisive" to non-Yiddish speakers) questions, the
answers with which I can then plan our long flight to Vienna (approx 26
hours!), from the "Far end of the world".

I mean no malice here, just simple questions that, I feel, need answers.
Have a good week and no poison-pen letters please.

Thanks, Michael Roll, Sydney, Oz.

{Moderator's Note: The web site for the Bukovyna Hotel is:


The Cheremosh Hotel has a web site at:


Other useful bits of info, including email addresses for the two
hotels, are found on the Chernivtsi city official web site, for


Sincerely, Bruce}
Received on 2005-08-28 08:10:10

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