In answer to the letters by Charles German and Malvina:
Yes, anyone of us, or any group of us can meet in Czernowitz
whenever and however we please, the important consideration is
that many or most of us would like to meet there with as many other
"Czernowitzers" as possible. We have an interest in sharing memories
and information and having discussions about Czernowitz, it's lifestyle
and culture before World War two. Many of us would also like to influence
the City government to restore the cemetery and possibly some of the
Jewish landmark buildings.
Because of these consideration, it is desirable that as many of us as
possible agree on a date, place and program for this reunion or meeting.
I think that most of us have agreed on the date of May 18 - May25, 2006
and the location of Czernowitz. We have done so, because May is a good month
in which to be in Czernowitz and because Luba had already announced plans
for meeting at this time.
About hotel arrangements: as a group we have not elected Luba or anyone else
to make hotel arrangements for us. Nor did I try to make these arrangements.
All I have done, is sent the list information I received from the hotel
Cheremosh. Why should this bother Luba or anyone else?
Program for the reunion: We did not elect Luba to decide on a program.
We are capable of doing so in a democratic way, not in "I have decided, you
either accept or not" manner. IN PARTICULAR WE HAVE NOT ELECTED HER TO MAKE
In my opinion, her arrangements may predispose city officials to have LESS
interest and inclination to restore the cemetery and Jewish buildings.
Because of this it may be very important that this be decided by all of us
democratically and not just by one person.
Upon second thought, Malvina's letter does not deserve further comment.
Shabat shalom, Mimi
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