[Cz-L] FYI

From: Arthur von Czernowitz <vonczernowitz_at_netscape.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:22:39 -0400 (EDT)
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: vonczernowitz_at_netscape.net

For those interested to fly into Bucuresti and take the train to Czernowitz.
I called the railway information (CFR) in Bucaresti and here are the
details: the cost is
approx. $67.20 according to today's rate of exchange for a lst class
round trip ticket.
The difference for the 2nd class is minimal, so might as well go lst class!
The schedule is as follows:
Departing every day, including Saturday..
1.Bucuresti N departing 07:40
Chernovcy arriving 20:10
Duration 12:30

On Saturday train # D 102VJ. Faster train less stops.
2. Bucuresti N departing 04:15
Chernovcy arriving 16:13
Duration 11:58

The daily train stops in Suceava.
It is Bulgarian train.
The daily train starts in Sofia and the Saturday train starts in Varna.

Best Regards

Arthur Rindner
Received on 2005-09-20 08:15:51

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