[Cz-L] RE: Stopover in Vienna post Czernowitz reunion.

From: hegma2 <hegma2_at_pacific.net.au>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:03:41 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz-Bukovina <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: hegma2_at_pacific.net.au

THE SAD NEWS came through today of Simon Wiesenthal's passing, age 96,
in Vienna.
   It is testimony to the esteem in which he was held all over the world
that every news outlet here reported his death, with details of his life
and work as the Nazi hunter.

  I would appreciate it if all those who intend making a stopover in
Vienna after Czernowitz would give me the information on the form below
so that I will know exactly whom to expect when. At the moment they are
keeping some rooms for us at Hotel Stefanie (website below). However,
since I am not a travel agent, I expect everyone to deal directly with
the hotel eventually when deposits will need to be paid (next March .)
The rates are the group rates quoted below (in Euros).
It is a very busy time in Vienna as it is their arts festival just then,
as well as Mozart's 250th anniv. I would like to book some tickets for
some of the events, therefore I need to know who is interested in what.
Otherwise it may be impossible to get in anywhere if we don't book
ahead. Please let me know whether you would like to see some of the
events which are listed on the website :

Vienna: Hotel Stefanie http://www.schick-hotels.com

1. The rates for 25-05-06 - 1-06-2006: dble. Room: 149Eu/night. sgle. ":
110 " ".

(Facilities: bath or shower; WC, TV with cable, IT connection, etc.)

Date ____________________





PHONE _______________________

VIENNA HOTEL STEFANIE Single--------- Double-----------Triple--------
ARRIVAL DATE(s)_____________________________

DEPARTURE _____________________________________

MEAL REQUESTS (B'fast incl.) - Kosher _____________ Vegetarian
______________ Other _
(Half board available, but pref. to select variety of

Deposit to hotel to be paid directly : 50% by March 2006.
Special interests: sightseeing in Vienna city--------------
                   walking tour old Vienna--------------------
Jewish Museum---------------
Surroundings- countryside------------------
Mozart Concert (Schonbrun)-----------------------
Cabaret shows----------------------
Free time------------------------------

N.B. PLEASE RSVP TO : hegma2_at_pacific.net.au aap.


Best regards,
Malvina M.alinek.
   M elbourne,  Australia.
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