[Cz-L] Cz. results of vote on program suggestions

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:34:25 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu

Dear Czernowitzers,

Fourteen (14) members of the Cz. List voted on the suggestions for the

  #1 14 yes
  #2 10 yes 1 undecided 3 no
  #3 14 yes
  #4 13 yes 1 no
  #5 13 yes 1 undecided
  #6 13 yes 1 no
  #7 13 yes 1 undecided
  #8 11 yes 3 no
  #9 10 yes 4 no
  #10 3 yes 2 undecided 9 no
  #11 11 yes 1 undecided 2 no
  #12 11 yes 1 undecided 2 no
  #13 12 yes 2 no
  #14 11 yes 3 no
  #15 13 yes 1 undecided
  #16 13 yes 1 no
  #17 12 yes 2 undecided

I counted as undecided any qualified answer.

The suggestions which were unanimously voted for are:

1) Organized tour or walk of Czernowitz, with "old timers" comparing the
    present and the past.

3) Social get-together in order that we get to know each other and our
    connection to Czernowitz.

The suggestion which most of us were against, is suggestion #10:

10) Visit with the participation of the Mayor and Dignitaries to the
     Jewish cemetery and the monument to the 400 men shot by the Germans when
     they entered Cernauti.

Only 3 people were in favour of this suggestion. 9 of us were against it.
Some worried that if the mayor has already been invited to this event, it
would be rude to ask him not to come. I have asked Luba to let us know
whether she or someone acting on her behalf has actually invited the mayor
and in who's name was this invitation extended, but so far, Luba has not
answered. Hopefully she will do so now.

Many had questions about visits to the archives. I would say that most of us
would like our group, as a whole, to facilitate our individually obtaining
information from the archives. This would require rewording suggestion #15
to say:

Organized effort to make the Chernivtsi city archives allow us to obtain
information contained in the archives.

There were also questions about the language in which discussions and
lectures would be held.

We have now voted and decided what the program for our meeting in Czernowitz
should and should not include. All suggestions except for # 10 have been
accepted. I think the next step is to elect a committee of three people to
implement this program. The committee would decide on:

1) a time-table for the program,
2) book suitable rooms for discussions, lectures and meetings,
3) invite lecturers and discussion leaders where appropriate.

I will be sending the list of suggestions for a name-title of our meeting
later today.

To a happy meeting in Czernowitz, Mimi
Received on 2005-09-22 16:49:51

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