A updated Czernowitz Street Name Translator is now up on the website:
Click on 'Czernowitz Street Name Translator'
This is an updated and improved version which Marc Goldberger has been
hard at work on based on the original the work of Bruce Reisch and
Yossi Eshet. The addition of the Ukrainian street names should be a
welcome addition especially for those involved in the planned 2006 trip.
The new version has three separate sheets, selectable from a menu page,
each sorted alphabetically on the language of choice: Romanian,
Ukrainian or German. As well, the co-ordinates are given not only for
the Romanian map (the Planul), but also for the 1941 Stadtplan. The
maps are also available from the new menu page. Some Soviet era street
names are given as well.
Comments, corrections, suggestions, and congratulations go to Marc
Goldberger: for this update!
Received on 2005-10-17 07:49:30
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : 2006-01-08 17:00:18 PST