Re: [Cz-L] In response to Lucca and more...

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 22:19:34 -0500 (EST)

Michelle wrote:

>I don't have any photos of Czernowitz, but do have portraits of my family.
>Would there be value in sending you those, with descriptions?
>Michelle Handler
>North Carolina
>Searching Lobel (or any variant), Hecker/Hacker, Pauker/Parker
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of jerome schatten
>Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:26 PM
>To: czernowitz-lcornelledu
>Subject: [SPAM][Cz-L] In response to Lucca and more...
>Chanukah Greetings my Czernowitz Friends!
>Other things: I thank each of you that has seen fit to contribute
>whatever you could in the way of writing, photos, maps, spreadsheets,
>documents, scans, personal pages, etc., to the website, so that we
>second and third generation Czernowitzers could make better sense out
>of our research and the lives of our ancestors. Please look around
>in those boxes of old photos and documents to see if there is anything
>that you would like up me to put up on the website. I've got an
>enormous amount of space left on the server so lets fill it up, ok?
>Jerome - the webperson for Czernowitz-L
Michelle, absolutely... I'll put it on a page in the 'List Members'
Pages' section. A little family history to thread the pictures together
along with what you're researching would be great! You would be amazed
at how many hits we get on List Members' Pages, not only from our group
but from folks surfing on Czernowitz or a name.

Received on 2005-12-22 19:34:01

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