Hello CZ’ers
I have just returned from my CZ and Cumpulung. I think some of you are
interested in a taste of my experiences and observations.
Regarding the informal ‘Ghetto Walk’ on Oct. 11th a modest=
group showed up
Hased-Shoshana. We had an interesting discussion group with Dr. Bursuc
leading as the
only one in the group who was there and remembered Oct. 11, 1941. We then=
took our walk
down Kobylanska Street and to the site of the Ghetto, where we left a flowe=
behind the plaque on a building. It was a beautiful day both with regard =
the weather and to the warm feelings amongst us. We ended the afternoon =
with a lunch in a local restaurant across from the gate.
A few days later I moved on to attend Florentin’s Symposium in Cam=
I presented a short excerpt from THE FORGOTTEN FEW. The large group there =
the hotel
seemed to be made up of mostly teachers and professors who wanted to learn
more about Train Popovici, and bring their information back to their
schools. The speakers
were mostly survivors from Transnystria and researchers. I was honored to =
part of such a professional, well-attended and interested group. The
highlight of the day occurred when we left the symposium
and took a bus to a nearby school. There, in the pouring rain I watched th=
unveiling of the extraordinary bust of Popovici. Inside the school behind=
us, the students and teachers have created a museum in a large room to edu=
children about the holocaust. The museum held everything from dioramas to=
beautiful murals and drawings as well as actual photographs from the camps=
the deportations. The school will now be called by Popovici’s nam=
But here is the most inspirational part!! There are no Jewish children, o=
families in that school or the surrounding village!! I stopped a little b=
who was running around chasing his friends. He looked about 8 years old. =
had my translator ask him if he knew who Trian Popovici was. The boys smil=
and said, ‘sure.’ We asked why were we all celebrating thi=
s man and the
boy said, “because he saved Jews.’ We asked how many Jews =
did Popovici save?
The boy rolled his eyes and said, ‘a lot’….. A f=
ew minutes later there I
was out in the rain, surrounded by hundreds of people under umbrellas. I=
looked into their smiling faces and knew there were some really compassion=
in the world. Please let's not forget that.
In a message dated 10/29/2008 2:23:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu writes:
CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Tuesday, October 28, 2008.
1. [Cz-L] Franzos
2. RE: [Cz-L] La Jolla Yiddish Clubs Conference Update
3. [Cz-L] Joel Fetter
4. [Cz-L] Summary of IAYC Conference
5. [Cz-L] Joel Fetter
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Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions express=
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or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has
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