Re: [Cz-L] Re Schwitzbad

From: Abraham Kogan <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 12:58:37 +0200
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, Arthur von Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: Abraham Kogan <>

There is a better German word for a boaster - Hochstapler.
Abraham K.
----- Original Message -----
To: "Abraham Kogan" <>; "Arthur von Czernowitz"
Cc: "Charles Rosner" <>; "Cornel Fleming"
<>; "Glaubach Berti" <>;
"Hedwig Brenner" <>; "Henry Sinnreich"
<>; "Irene Fishler" <>; "JEROME
TAYLOR" <MIRTAYLO_at_INDIANA.EDU>; <>; "'fred love'"
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Re Schwitzbad

> To all the Schwitzers.
> First the word Schwitzer as bragger, boaster - this is not in the German
> language.
> In German it is Aufschneider, Prahler .
> Schwitzer, in my opinion , is a this purely Czernowitzer expression.
> Back to the Schwitz.
> The first room to visit , as you entered ,was the Heissluftkammer-
> the sauna.
> To open the sweat pores of your skin. Without this, your Schwitz would
> be a waste.
> The air was hot and dry and in 5 minutes the pores would be wide open.
> Then came a cold shower to make the pores close again.
> Then Papa would work on us with the soap and after this we were free
> for the pool.
> We also went to the Schwitz , the Turkish steam bath . Most people
> came for this.
> It was a big hall with wooden steps on one side and with a big oven
> opposing.
> Also a small cold water basin. Whenever steam was low, people would
> yell:" Dampf !"
> Vasily would take a bucketful of water from the basin and pour it
> on the hot stones.
> The water would sizzle and steam was produced.
> There were six or seven steps the higher the denser the steam .
> On the lower steps were sitting the "Politiker". People who liked to
> chat. There Politik
> was made. Everything was discussed. The Max Schmeling -Joe Louis
> boxing match,
> the Macabi -Jask forthcoming football match and the latest sex
> scandals.
> On the upper steps, where steam was so dense you couldn't see more
> than 20cm
> lay the real schwitzers.
> Like blubby seals ,on a seal colony island, they would revel in
> the dense steam,
> moaning.
> It would sound like foghorns in a foggy sea.
> If you wished you could have massage and a Beseml (broom).
> This is all, till next Friday.
> Hardy
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