RE: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: March 30, 2008

From: asher turtel <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 22:50:09 +0300
Reply-to: asher turtel <>

I don't agree. If we will surrender in that point it will never come to it
to show the period of the war and holocaust.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 6:01 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: March 30, 2008

Dear CZ List,

I write today to address the question in front of us all; to have a museum,
or not?

While some will look at the cup half empty, today I look at the cup half
full. It has taken these six decades since the end of The War to have a
trace of Jewish culture in Czernowitz. A museum that hopefully will show all
who care to see, a snapshot of the highly developed Jewish community, that
once enveloped half the population of the city. This to me, siginfies a
giant step forward.

While it is true that denying the holacaust denies the tragic events that
expain the lack of a Jewish community today, what about tomorrow? If we have
come to this point, where the city fathers value our history enough to
establish this museum, might they not see fit later ( a year, a decade), to
expand it to include the later history.

This museum may be the seed, which will later grow to include the full tree.
Without the seed, there is nothing.

We should?write the letters to show our dismay at the lack of including the
shoah, and make it plain that we believe this distorts, and denies the
truth, but I think, that we should plant this seed in the hopes that our
continued vigilance and involvement will have an effect on the city fathers
in the future.

Bruce Wexler
Jackson, NJ
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