RE: [Cz-L] Vi iz dus gesele Version2

From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 19:08:49 +0200
To: 'jerome schatten' <>, "''" <czernowitz-l_at_CORNELL.EDU>
Reply-to: Irene Fishler <>

Thanks for the song!
Perhaps somebody could write the latin TRANSCRIPTION of the words so we can
sing along with the singer?

I've searched the net and found a different version.Here it is for you:

Vi iz dus gesele

Vi iz dus gesele
Vi iz di shtib
Vi iz dus meydele (yingele)
vemen ch'hob lieb

Ot iz dus gesele
Ot iz di shtib
Ot iz dus meydele (yingele)
vemen ch'hob lieb

Mayn hartz tit mir turken
ich tziter fun shrek
tsi hot er mich lieb
ober gey ich avek

zay ruik in hertzele
er hot ich lieb
er hot ich lieb bizn finstern grieb
zay ruik in hertzele
er hot ich lieb
er hot ich lieb bizn finstern grieb

Arayn in dos shtibl
mayn veytik iz groys
altz iz farblibben
a cholem nor bloyz

Nishtu mer dos gesele
nishtu mer di shtib
nishtu mer does meydele (yingele)
vemen ch'hob lieb


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