Dear List,
Much encouraging news from this digest. I would encourage Marianne Hirsch to proceed with a meeting in Czernowitz to further discuss details.
One other important point I'd like to make, which I've tried to make in the past. With a group as large as ours, we could, if unified, be a strong voice with regards to the future in Czernowtiz. To that point may I suggest that we consider the possibility of forming a corporation. Some of you know that the LitvakSIG is incorporated. By doing this they elect officers that act on behalf of their group.
In our case, when questions arise, a group of officers, gaining a consensus of the group's feelings on certain questions, might speak with a stronger voice than individuals writing sometimes contrary opinions.
When I visited Czernowitz three years ago, I became convinced that this city could become a center for Jewish genealogical tourism. Of course, the city government would have to cooperate, but looking at the advantages for them, perhaps they would. It would be a win - win situation. The city would gain tourism, and we would be more able to preserve the records and places which are important to us.
I totally believe our group could help in this endeavor, and much more so if we were united in? our actions.
Bruce Wexler
Jackson, NJ
*subject line has been changed from 'Digest...' to something reflecting the content of the
message. (moderator:jerome)
Received on 2008-04-10 13:08:54
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