[Cz-L] Museum plan from Natalya Shevchenko

From: Marianne Hirsch <mh2349_at_columbia.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:55:16 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Marianne Hirsch <mh2349_at_columbia.edu>

Dear all, Here is the translation of the exhibition outline. Please
remember that this was drawn up before Josef Zissels agreed to include
the Holocaust period. This section will no doubt be added: Natalya
and Mr Zissels are meeting in Chernivtsi today. There is another
document Natalya sent that is being translated right now, I think it
contains the history of the museum project. I am awaiting further
communications about materials that might be useful in this endeavor.
She sent me a mock up of the exhibition space but I know we cannot
include images on our listserv.

Although this is not any of our dream exhibit, I hope you will agree
that this is a good outline,. I think our role right now is to wait
for further communications about what materials will be needed form us
and to organize getting them there, to consult on the Holocaust
section, and to stay in good touch with the exhibit organizers.

I also think we might use some of our energies to get something done
about the recognition of Traian Popovici on this occasion and,
perhaps, to convince city officials to mark some other sites, esp. the
Tempel rather than containing this museum to glass cases in two
rooms. It would be helpful if communications go through me and
Andrew who is translating at this stage.

All the best for Pesach,

> Thematic Plan of the Museum of the History of the Jews of Bukovina
> The exhibition will flow from left to right.
> Room Number One:
> The exposition will depict "Jewish Traditions" in six display cases.
> I. General information on the Jews of Bukovina ( a map, information
> on the community, statues, and Austrian document)
> II. Rabbinical Judaism (The Groschil Synagogue, Rabbi S. Horowitz
> [Gorovits if transliterated directly from Cyrillic], the Legend of
> Besht, and 'Khevra Tegilim (Cannot find term in dictionary)
> III. The Vizhnitskii Khager Dynasty.
> IV. The Sadgorskii Fridman Dynasty
> V. Boiannerebbe
> VI. Folk Art (The "matsevs" (cannot find term in dictionary) and
> murals of the Synagogue of Veniamin Vais (Weiss)
> Three glass display cases containing archival documents and a
> horizontal shelf containing Jewish artifacts.
> In the corner of the interior composition "Shabbat."
> Along the perimeter of the room, a frieze with large slides
> depicting the synagogues of Bukovina.
> Room Number Two:
> The general theme will be "The Lives of the Emancipated Jews of
> Bukovina."
> Five display cases:
> I. The community of Chernivtsi, the Synagogue.
> II. The Conference on Yiddish.
> III. Literature (Shteinbarg, Manger, Frantsos, Auslender, Tselan,
> and others.)
> IV. Culture (Jewish Theatre, Music, and Fine Art - Kolnik, Lerner,
> Kopelman, Reder, and others.)
> V. Political Life (Parties, the activities of Shtraukher, the
> Zionist of activities of M. Ebner.)
> Along the perimeter of the room a frieze with slides depicting
> images of community building and every day life in Chernivtsi.
> A wall comprised of glass shelves containing books on the subject.
> We plan to have the large window converted into stained-glass and
> have a model of the Synagogue on a podium in the middle of the room.
> In one of the corners of the room we will have a display of a stone
> "matsev" (Yiddish term? Cannot find in my dictionary)
> The work of N. Shevchenko.

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