Dear All,
I would like to review what I know so far about having the plaque to
Traian Popovici made and put up in Chernivtsi.
As far as I can ascertain, the usual procedure for having a plaque
placed in a public space in Chernivtsi, is as follows:
1. The first step is to get the permission of the city council.
This as I wrote previously, I obtained in March of this year.
2. The next, or second step, is to obtain the city authorities' permission,
to place the plaque on a specific building. I do not know whether
the group who was in Chernivtsi recently ascertained that the building
Traian Popovici lived in, is #24 Kobilianskoy, or whether it is
another building. From Hedwig Brenner we obtained a very good description
of the location of the building, but the house numbers, might have been
changed since 1941. If those who were in Chernivtsi recently, do not have
the current house number of the building, I will ask someone living
in Chernivtsi to obtain it for me.
I am not sure I understand correctly, whether Josef Zissels, already took
care of this second step or not.
3. The third step requires us, once we decide on the content (wording) of
the plaque, the design and the size to send this information to the city
authorities for additional approval. This approval has to be given by
the vote of the elected city council, or people's deputies a their next
4. Then we are free to choose the artist or artisan, to make the plaque
and place it on the approved site.
About choosing the artist/artisan and the design:
The generally approved and customary method, is to obtain designs and price
quotes from a number of artists/artisans and then choose the most pleasing
and least expensive one. I have obtained price quotes from two reputable
American companies which make bronze memorial plaques. These are for a
simple bronze plaque devoid of ornamentation except for a raised border,
but with the inscription in the three languages, as we agreed upon.
Shipping a bronze plaque to the Ukraine, will involve extra cost,
I am also looking into the possibility of having someone other
than Mr. Piantkovski make the plaque for us in Chernivtsi and hope to get
suggestions and price quotes in the near future.
It is tempting to go ahead with making our arrangements with the sculptor
Anatoly Piantkovski. His initial sketch for the plaque was brought back from
Chernivtsi by Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer and can now be viewed on the
"ehpes" website. This is only a preliminary design and would have to be
changed so as to include the inscription we decided on, as well as any other
changes we may find esthetically more pleasing.
We would need to get more information from Mr. Piantkovski about the size of
the plaque, the cost and the method of payment. Apparently, if he were to
make the plaque, without the bronze bass relief of the portrait of
Mr. Popovici, the price would be about $1000, but with the portrait
included, it would be around $2500.
When I asked members of the list to let me know the maximum contribution,
each would consider giving to this project, I received 12 answers which
specified the maximum sum, each of these individuals considered
contributing. A few others volunteered to contribute unspecified sums.
I now think that we probably can raise $1000 for this project, but equally
think it most unlikely that we can raise $2500. We are not nearly close to
this sum.
As I get more artists/artisans proposals for the plaque, I will ask Jerome
to put them on the website, so you can all consider them and voice your
opinions. I will also try to contact Anatoly Piantkovski in order to work
out a design which is in line with what we can afford.
I will also work on getting the second authorization referred to above
approved, in case Josef Zissels has not already done so.
In closing I would like to thank all who have helped with this project and
particular thanks go to Lyudmila Aliyeva, a member of this group who lives
in Chernivtsi and has been very helpful in providing information and
explaining the workings of the city administration in matters, such as this
commemorative plaque.
Please send your responses to this letter to the whole list,
Shabbat Shalom,
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