[Cz-L] Reitich trug ich

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 07:41:04 +0300
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

Hi, Group,
   I am looking for a saying of which I am not too sure.
     It was used to exemplify people with hearing problems.
     Not that we were missing words for this handicap:
      Toib (from the German Taub) "Toib wi a Glock".
        But this was too simple a wording, not worthy of
         an original Czernowitzer.
      If you were a real Czernowitzer , coming to describe
       a dumb person you would say : "Reitech trug ich".
        meaning as much as :" I carry radishes" .
        Reitech -from the German Rettich -radish.
        What has radish to do with hearing ?
        This quote is the irrelevant answer given by a market
        woman to a completely different question:
         " Wus sugsti Geile ?" (Of this I'm not sure)
         " Reitech trug ich" is the answer.
          Geile is Gelbe ( meaning yellow , vulgar for fair haired).
          The " Geile " was deaf and her answer does not relate
          to the question.
           Does somebody remember this quote ?
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