Re: [Cz-L] Yiddish Committee

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 22:09:37 +0300
To: cornel fleming <>, 'Miriam Taylor' <>, 'Abraham Kogan' <>

Sorry Cornel,
   Proste is not German. It is Ukrain.
    In Czernowitzerisch you could say :Eine proste Frau , in Germany nobody
would understand that.
      In Czernowitz you could say almost anything.
        The language changed with the administration : In Austrian times if
you got
        a permit you got a Bewilligung . Popovici gave us an Autorizatie,
       In 1946 we waited for the Propuske to get out.
            Very dynamic vocabulary.
----- Original Message -----
From: "cornel fleming" <>
To: "'HARDY BREIER'" <>; "'Miriam Taylor'"
<>; "'Abraham Kogan'" <>
Cc: "'Czernowitz'" <>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:20 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Yiddish Committee

> Hi mimi and hardy...this is more complicated, because in german one can
> refer to "eine proste frau" which can mean a simple or uneducated woman or
> just be a derogatory expression. cornel

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