The expression "...mit einem Fuss im Pruth" got several interpretations in
recent postings, but they all convey the general meanning of not caring
about something. I just found an authoritative source, a short essay "Das
Czernowitzer Deutsch" by Dr. Emanuel Hacken in which he writes the
In Czernowitz fließt bekanntlich der Pruth. Wenn nun jemand auf eine
Drohung erwidern will, daß er sich nicht davor fürchtet dann sagt er: "Ej,
ej, ej, bin ich mit einem Fuß im Pruth!" Oder einfacher: "Ich hab mich vor
Ihnen nicht iebergeschrocken."
Those of you who have not seen this two-page gem and understand
(Czernowitzer) German let me know and I shall e-mail it to you.
My own addendum: I recall the frequent reports in the papers in Czernowitz
about suicides by drowning, usually by jumping from the bridge across the
Pruth. Thus, the "...mit einem Fuss im Pruth" expression states,
sarcastically, that the suicide process is already in progress.
Fred Schneider
----- Original Message -----
From: <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Cc: "Abraham Kogan" <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>; "Gerhard Schreiber"
<GERHARDRODICA_at_aol.com>; <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:15 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] The joys of Yiddish
> When we did not care about something potentially bad, we said:
> "Bin eych mit a fiss im Prut"
> When we did not care about something potentially joyful, we said:
> "Freyt sech mir die Babe"(the a is pronounced almost as an"o"
> and the "e" is pronounced like in "get".
> A saying which sums up the attitude underlying most Yiddish sayings is:
> "Az men geveynt sech mit die Tzures, leybt men in Freyden".
> (When a person gets used to his troubles, he can live happily).
> To living happily and without "Tzures!
> Mimi
[This moderator would welcome a reasonable interpretation of the lines from Dr. Emanuel Hacken's book. Moderator Bruce]
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