A large number of German farming families were brought in during the
Austrian period,and the majority were Swabians ie Schwaben, After the
Stalin-Hitler Pact and their more-or-less forced repatriation to the Reich
very many of them went to the then still neutral USA and through there to
Canada.ON one of my Czernowitz trips I met a group,still speaking their
dialect and had no difficulty in communicating. Interestingly,like us they
have both groups and individuals coming to see,and to help maintain the
Christian cemetery. Cornel
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-56178041-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-56178041-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Miriam Taylor
Sent: 09 May 2012 02:26
To: dow friedman
Cc: Czernowitz
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Schwaben in Czernowitz
As far as I know the Schwaben in Czernowitz, were not really Schwaben,
but they spoke a similar German dialect. They mostly lived in the
suburb of Rosch,
next to Manasteriska. My father grew up in Manasteriska and could
understand their dialect,
I, brought up on Hoch-Deutsch with a Czernowitz Jewish twist, cannot.
Most, or all of the Czernowitz "Schwaben" were repatriated to Germany
in 1940.
On May 8, 2012, at 7:30 PM, dow friedman wrote:
> Some time ago in the Jewish club "Monte Sinai" in Rio de Janeiro,
> once a month a teacher of Yiddish gave yiddish lessons to 20-30
> elderly people eager to lear the language. Most of them born in
> Brasil with a litle knowlege of this language. Most of their
> parents were from Poland and Bassarabia. The only exception was me
> with my Czernowitzer yidish. One day someone said the word
> "chonte", No one knew the origin even the professor, a real professor.
> This is the reason why I asked this difficult unanswered question
> (until now) to my czernowitzer yiddishists.......
> As for the expression: "sto rublii nie diengi a mujic nie brat" was
> said in my house. It was said that my ggfather (my oma's side) from
> tzarist Russia said (and did )this to a mujic that did not return
> the loan in time as promised.
> Hundred rubles is no money and you mujic is not my brother-not trusty.
> As for "schwaben" no one gave any explanation.
> Dow
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