Dear Dr. Colin,
My name is Ruth Glasberg Gold, a child survivor of Transnistria, and one of the repatriated orphans from Bershad.
My book, RUTH’S JOURNEY: A SURVIVOR’S MEMOIR, published by theUniversity Press of Florida has a lot of information that might be of interest to you.
Moreover, one of my first written testimonies at age 14, appeared in the Romanian newspaper ROMANIA LIBERA in February 1945 in Bucharest.
Should you need or want more information, please contact me.
With kind regards,
Ruth Glasberg Gold
20191 E. Country Club Dr. #1802
Aventura, Fl 33180
> On Feb 11, 2018, at 1:44 AM, Madeleine Kahn <> wrote:
> --f403045d6ec02953070564ea184e
> Deportee en Transnistrie en 1941,apres le pogrom de Stanesti -de-Jos ou habitait ma grand-mere, avec mon cousin ALFRED GABOR, je m'etonne que son nom ne figure pas sur votre liste. Il est reste au camp jusqu'en 1944. Quant a moi j'ai ete rapatriee en 1943 a Galatz ayant un passeport francais.
> Dr. Madeleine Kahn
> 2018-02-11 1:04 GMT+01:00 Amy Colin <>:
>> --00000000000032f8460564e4824e
>> Dear Members of the Czernowitz List,
>> I am writing to you again regarding my list with the names of 25 Holocaus=
> t
>> survivors. In 1946-47, these Holocaust survivors -at that time teenagers
>> living in Gura Humorul and Bacau-wrote down their experiences in
>> Transnistria. They were between 5 and 11 years old when they were
>> deported. I have the copies of their deportation reports written in
>> Yiddish, and I plan to publish them first in a German translation and lat=
> er
>> in an English and Hebrew translation. I am therefore looking for the
>> authors of these deportation reports and/or their family members or
>> descendants in order to obtain the publication rights. The German
>> translation will be published by the Paul Szolnay Publishing House/Hanser
>> Publishing Group.
>> These are not the only deportation reports written by teenagers from the
>> Bukowina at that time. I have many more such reports, and I also plan a
>> second volume with all other deportation reports. Later I will send you
>> the list of all authors.
>> I chose to publish the German edition with the Paul Szolnay Publishing
>> House because Paul Szolnay, its founder, was a Jewish publisher from
>> Budapest. His publishing house established in Vienna in 1924 brought out
>> works by Franz Werfel and Heinrich Mann, becoming one of the most promine=
> nt
>> Austrian publishing houses at the time. In 1938, the Nazis confiscated h=
> is
>> publishing house, but after World War II the publishing house was given
>> back to the legitimate owner.
>> In addition, I am very interested in all survivors of the death camps in
>> Transnistria. I truly appreciate any information about them.
>> I thank you for your help in advance.
>> Kind regards from
>> Amy Colin
>> Prof. Dr. Amy Diana Colin,
>> University of Pittsburgh
>> Pittsburgh, PA 15260
>> _____
>> President of the City for the Cultures Peace:
>> International Interdisciplinary Institute, Inc.
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