His occupation, Gesell, means journeyman in the craft/guild system
The two entries beneath that--d and supersrcripted "o"--are an
abbreviation for "ditto"
Wolf married 5 March 1793
I am having a little trouble with the entry for Anna Itzig: mother of
his something
at bottom:
Zuwachs, i.e. additions to the family:
born 8 May 1793
Roza Trichterin (they often feminized the family name for women in that
era), daughter
21 Nov. 1794
Ephraim Trichter, son
Second document records tax payments:
29 Oct. 1793, paid for the full year
then for the year 1794
Alas, going on 2:30 a.m. here--may return to when I am more alert
On 28/05/2018 04:49, John wrote:
> --B_3610309757_9542830
> Hello,
> I've posted two tax records from the =B3Jewish Taxpayers in Bukovina at the
> End of 18th Century=B2 for which I need translated. They are on ViewMate at
> the following addresses:
> https://www.jewishgen.org/ViewMate/viewmateview.asp?key=66236
> https://www.jewishgen.org/ViewMate/viewmateview.asp?key=66237
> * The first record is for Beer TRICHTER, my 5G Grandfather, and his family=
> .
> I am able to make out Beer, his wife Lea and four children. I really need
> help from line eight down.
> * The second record is the second page of the tax record. Please help wit=
> h
> this translation.
> Please respond via the form provided in the ViewMate application.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> John Epstein
> Jupiter FL
> Searching TRICHTER from Czernowitz
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Received on 2018-06-18 11:24:46