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The answer is 1)..it's the symbol for a Levi. As levis washed the hands of
the Cohanim. If you look carefully on the headstone it even says son of
..........Halevi. (could not make out the hevrew name, not too
<P>On a cohen they would have the hands open, like a V with 2 fingures on each
side of the open V.</P>
<P>[I can't take any credit for this interpretation - it was sent to me by a
friend who is an expert.] </P>
<P>Merle KastnerMontreal, Canada<A
Researching:KASTNER OSTFELD (Radauti, Fratauti,
Bukovina)NATHANSON MENDELSSOHN (Piatra Neamt, Falticeni, Negulesti,
Romania)GARBARSKI DENENBERG/DYNABURSKI (Sejny/Suwalki gubernia area,
Poland)KUSSNER (Bendery/Tighina, Moldova; Philadelphia, PA)SCZUCZYNSKI
MILLER (Lida Vilnius, Lithuania; Philadelphia, PA.)ALTMAN (USA,
Belchatow, Poland)LEVITT KISHELEVETZ (New York, Lodz,
Poland)FUCHS/FOX (Dubno, Poland)SINGER ("Zitrisk"/Starry Chartoriysk,
Received on 2003-07-28 09:32:06
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