ok as promised....mamaliga recipe.this is a simple version,there are
slightly different ones and it depends, as shown by some of the other
emails,on what you eat with it or on it..so..take 300 gms of maizemeal or
semolina.bringto the boil 3 glasses of salted water. sprinkle in the meal
and cook for about 5 mins stirring all the while.pour the hot mixture into a
dish and allow to cool. when ouitecold either cut into about 2cmm bt 2cm
squares or just pull apart into small bits. we used to eat it with hot
sweetened milk but occasionally with added raisins or chopped up apple or
plums or whatever. simple, and what,ll yuo bet that there will be 6 qther
versions in the cookbook before too long!! cornel
Received on 2005-06-20 00:14:05
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