Dear Czernowitz Group:
I know this might not be the right place, but I
need some help. Does anyone know Russian? I'm
translating the Sadagora Yizkor book for posting
on Jewish Gen and one story has a lot of Russian
words thrown in among the German text. Every word
Tovarisch: Used as a title like mister, comrad?
Naczalnlik-Zech: A position, manager perhaps?
Artell: The organization all the characters work for. A cooperative, commune?
Zawjedischa: Used in sentence, "The young
Zawjedischa, Johanna Chochlowna arranges her
blond curls "
Weruschka: Used in sentence "The sly Kassierscha
(cashier?) of station 1 ñ Rella Lenowna, wears
new shoes, walks around majestically, and waits
for the Naczalnik Zech so she can give him the
ìWeruschkaî from yesterday "
Glaw: Used in sentence: "! But our
ìGlaw-Kassier,î Towarisch Feiger, (he is also
worth his pay) has determined, " He is probably
the book keeper for the "artell."
Chalatte: Used in sentence: "the Chalatte is not
freshly washed ñ and "the wash is not sorted"
and "tracking of the tools, chalatte,
Pajoks: Used in sentence: Why don't we have any
ìPajoksî ñ in order to buy chicken meat at 6 ruble
Melassa: Used in sentence: "Why don't we get any ìwoodî and no ìMelassa?î
Zawjedusch: Used in sentence: "Send Anton
Chowanetz as ìZawjeduschî to station 1"
Stolowa: Used in sentence: "One pm in the ìStolowaî [cafeteria?]"
Oczere, Tallons: Used in sentence: "A mob of
ìOczereî wait for ìTallons.î - - Without Tallonís
you canít get any food."
charascho: Used in sentence "Dear Tovarisch
censor! Be honest and put down the red pencil. ñ
Here you have Krittika and Samokrittika like the
program calls for. Write charascho and greetings
from old Naczalnik Zech"
Thanks, Jerry Silverbush
[Apologies for the extraneous characters
appearing above (ì, ñ, î) but I think the message
is readable. Posting in "plain text" format will
help avoid problems with strange characters.
Thank you, Bruce.]
Received on 2005-07-01 08:55:09
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