Dear friends,
I don't know whether we have any list members in London, but if we do,
our thoughts are with you at this time.
Man's inhumanity to man does not seem to have abated even after what we
thought was the ultimate horrors of WW2.
Re our reunion:
Due to the confusion that some List-members still feel regarding our
proposed reunion next year, I would like to again clarify a few points.
Firstly,- my original intent was for a joyful meeting to reminisce about
the good pre-war times that Bukoviners enjoyed. It was prompted by the
nostalgic memories from all the recipes which tickled my tastebuds!
I personally had no intention to travel to the Ukraine while on
holidays in Europe in 2006. Vienna had certain connotations for me from
my mother and I thought it would reverberate with other Bukoviners. It
did with some but not with others.The immediate response was fantastic,
but we have now adjusted the project to include:
Secondly:- a visit to Czernowitz. A group flight from Vienna and tour to
Czernowitz and surroundings is being planned and organised. In due
course, Luba and Charlie German will be posting the details for this
part of the reunion's program.Some of you can join us directly there.
Thirdly,- following our Czernowitz visit, there will be another optional
tour which will incorporate regions of Romania, such as Moldova, the
mountains, etc. and then to Sofia (Bulgaria) from where we can make our
own way back home.
The DATES as far as we can ascertain at this stage will be : 25th May -
1st June in Vienna, followed by another 2-3 weeks all told (final dates
will follow).(I have managed to secure my and Ernie's flights on points
for those dates, so am tied in already.)
WHO IS COMING? At the moment I have serious interest from some 24
persons for the first part in Vienna. Thank you to all who replied in
the affirmative re the hotel Stefanie and its pricing. I have reserved
20 rooms, but as more people will be added, we can always adjust.
THE PROGRAM #1 in Vienna:
CULTURE, FOOD AND LIFESTYLE,- for both Jews and the general population.
I will therefore call it the :
"HI! (or Chai) -Bukovina & Czernowitz Reunion part one: Vienna
The general aim will be to sightsee, partake of the local delicacies,
evening entertainment and a little"kultur".
But at the beginning we may take it easy and allow us time to get to
know each other. Jerry Lapides has offered to organise an OST (Open
Space Technology) which I call a "market place of ideas" session. He
suggested thus:
"I will be happy to be responsible. The Open Space Technology (OST) was
conceived because people who came to conferences stated that they had
the best time when they got together for conversations with people who
wanted to talk about specific things. It is a slightly more organized
way to achieve this purpose. The title may be alien to some, however in
the states among those who facilitate events it is common knowledge and
often used. It is less structured than a typical meeting and the outcome
is less predictable. It is fun and opens up people around what they want
to discuss.
I suggested it because I rarely attend gathering with a tightly
structured agenda developed by a committee.
Jerry Lapides, Ph.D."
While this is not going to be a conference, nor a highly structured
meeting organised by a committee, Jerry, nevertheless we do want to be
able to talk with each other!I hope you all will agree with me!
I also look forward to meeting Hedwig Brenner from Haifa who writes:".I
was last year, in October, when my last book was presented at the Jewish
Museum, in Vienna. May be the book I am writing now, will be presented
there too."
It will be interesting to visit the museum with you Hedwig as you
present your book and I too have a book of poetry in German and a poem
dedicated by the author, Frederick Margulis-Sperber to me and which I
want to present to this Museum.Everyone should bring their photos amd
any other memorabilia to show each other!All suggestions are welcome for
items to be incorporated into the program.
THE PROGRAM IN CZERNOWITZ: I have to leave that to others who know more
than I about that city and what there is to see. We will make time and
transport available for each of us to visit those 'stetls' of interest
to us, in the surroundings.
With best regards to you all,
Malvina Malinek
South Yarra, Melbourne, Australia
Tel. (61 3 )9824 0208; Fax 9824 0216.
Received on 2005-07-08 08:53:53
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